Frequently Asked Questions

APA & Writing

  • Where can I find an APA Style 7th Edition template?

    We recommend always using a template for your written assignments. Download this Post University “APA 7th Edition Template ” and save to your computer to use on all future assignments.

  • How do I create an outline for a paper?

    Outlines are an incredibly useful tool when beginning a paper. It helps organize your ideas and creates a roadmap for you as you begin to write. View our “How to Create an Outline ” instructional.

  • How do I start an assignment?

    Often, the biggest challenge to writing a paper is knowing where to start. We recommend using our “Understanding the Assignment and Rubric ” instructional.

  • Why do I need to know APA?

    There are many reasons academic instituions like Post University require the use of a style guide such as the one provided by the American Psychological Association (APA). One main reason is to ensure that students have basic formatting rules in place to help them get started when writing a paper. However, another important reason for APA is to ensure students are giving credit to other authors and organizations if they borrow their work. Not providing this recognition and trying to pass off another's credit as one's own is considered academic dishonesty.

Assignments & Paper Submissions

  • How do I create a discussion board thread?

    Throughout your course, you will be asked to participate in weekly discussion boards. For help on how to contribute to the discussion, see this "Create a Discussion Board " guide.

  • How do I save a paper/assignment?

    When working on a paper, it’s a good idea to save early and save often. To learn how to save a file, please view our “How to Save an MS Word Document ” guide.

  • How do I upload a paper for my professor to grade?

    All written assignments (i.e., papers) will need to be submitted on Blackboard, your online classroom environment. Please refer to the university's "Assignment Submissions in Blackboard " guide.

  • Can someone look over my paper before I submit it for grading?

    Yes, of course! If you would like to have your paper reviewed before you send it to your professor to be graded, our Writing Specialists are here to help. Simply email your paper to [email protected]

Resources & Support

  • How do I access the Library?

    To access the Post University Library, please visit the Virtual Library Resources page at to locate articles, databases, resources, tutorials, and more!

    For American Sentinel students looking for the Virtual Library at American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences, please visit the ASC Virtual Library .

  • How do I access my student email?

    All Post University students will receive a university email account. To access your Post University student email, use this “Access Your Student Email ” guide. 

  • How do I contact my professor/instructor?

    For each of your courses in Blackboard, you can a "Meet Your Instructor" link of the leftside navigational panel. On this page, you can find your instructor's name, email, phone, and office hours information. There is also a "Ask the Instructor" link where you can post a question within a Blackboard discussion thread that your instructor may respond to.

  • Who is my Academic Advisor?

    Not sure who your Academic Advisor is? Use the “Locating Your Academic Advisor ” guide to find your advisor and their email.

Software and Technology

  • How do I access Microsoft 365?

    As a student at Post University, you are given a free version of MS Office 365 that you can download to your computer. We strongly recommend downloading MS Office 365 to your computer as soon as possible.

    Instructions for PC 

    Instructions for Mac  

  • How do I join a Teams meeting?

    If scheduling an appointment with an Academic Specialist, you have the option to meet virtually via Microsoft Teams. If you are not quite sure how to join a Teams invite, download our “How to Join a MS Teams Call ” guide. 

  • How do I navigate my online classroom (Blackboard)?