When inside your Grammarly Premium account, upload a new assignment by selecting the “New” button on your “My Grammarly” dashboard:
Either Copy + Paste your file into Grammarly or choose the “upload” link to select a file from your computer:
The “Set goals” pop-up window will appear, allowing you to tailor Grammarly’s suggestions to the goals and audience of your assignment:
With your assignment uploaded into Grammarly, you will see suggestions and comments on how to improve and assess your writing:
Toggle through Grammarly’s suggestions, determining which need to be addressed and which you can leave as it currently is:
To view the “Performance” of your paper, including an assessed of quality, the word count breakdown, and readability index, select the “Overall score” button in the top right:
(You can also download a PDF of this report if you need to submit to your instructor)
When you have made edits inside Grammarly and ready to export, select the “Download” option from the left navigation panel. This will provide you a Word document version of your assignment with the edits from Grammarly on it: