Author-Date Method
When citing a source inside of your text, you will want to provide the reader with the author’s last name and the publication year of the source cited when possible. The publication year will come immediately after the author’s last name. If a page number is known, you will also wish to include that.
This, of course, is a general rule. Often, you will find instances in which you will not be able to provide this information or will need to provide alternate information. These examples are covered in the following pages.
Example 1
(Smith, 2022)
Example 2
Smith (2022) stated…
Example 3 (Page number included)
(Smith, 2022, p. 12)
Example 4 (Page number included)
Smith (2022, p. 12) stated…
Short Quotations
When using an exact quotation from an outside source, you will want to include author’s last name, publication year, as well as the page number of the reference when possible.
Note: The period is placed outside of the paratheses used for the in-text citation for a direct quote.
Example 1
Smith (2022) stated, “APA style is one of the most common obstacles for returning students” (p. 12).
Example 2
“APA style is one of the most common obstacles for returning students” (Smith, 2022, p. 12).
Long Quotations
If a quotation from an outside source is 40 words or more, use a free-standing block of text. Omit quotation marks, indent ½ inch from the left margin, and keep the same text format as you would throughout your text. This includes font style, font size, and font spacing.
You will still use the author-date method, supplying page number when possible; however, the citation will be set outside the quotation and in parentheses.
Note: The period comes before the paratheses used for the in-text citation for a long quote.
Example 1
Smith (2022) stated:
APA style is one of the most common obstacles for returning students. Often, students will need to rely on the use of an APA style guide, formatting software, or writing tutors to assist with learning the use of this style. (p. 12)
Example 2
APA style is one of the most common obstacles for returning students. Often, students will need to rely on the use of an APA style guide, formatting software, or writing tutors to assist with learning the use of this style. (Smith, 2022, p. 12)
If you use the ideas of another source, but do not use any direct quotations from it, you must still give the source credit. Even if you put the information into your own words, you are still using this sources information, and citation must be provided.
Note: Just like a short quotation, you will place the period on the outside of the parenthetical citation.
Example 1
It has been said that learning APA style can be difficult for new students (Smith, 2022, p. 12).
Example 2
Smith (2022) said learning APA style is hard (p. 12).